Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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an extremely long indefinite period of time; thousands and thousands of years

a short poem with a witty or satirical note; a clever twist in thought

the study of the origin of, nature, methods, and limits of knowledge

an adjective, noun or phrase expressing some quality considered characteristic of a person or thing

a typical or ideal example; the embodiment
epitomic or epitomical.adjective

epitomize, epitomized, epitomizing, epitomizes.transitive verbs
to make an epitome of; sum up; to be a typical example of (behavior that epitomizes high consciousness)

the quality of remaining calm and undisturbed; evenness of mind or temper; composure
equanimity implies an evenness of temper or disposition that is not easily disturbed 
implies great coolness and presence of mind in dangerous and trying circumstances

proved by balancing; an equating or being equated; making equal; an expression of equality between two quantities, as shown by the = mark; a complex of variable elements or factors (the world was full of equations – there must be an answer for everything, if only you knew how to set forth the questions ... Anne Tyler); mathematics: a statement asserting the equality of two expressions, usually written as a linear-array of symbols that are separated into left and right sides and joined by an equal sign.

equilibrium, equilibriums or equilibria.nouns.plurals
a state of balance (enabling one to stand still and straight and walk without tipping over); equality between opposing forces; (chemistry) the stage in a reversible chemical change at which the products of the forward or direct reaction are consumed by the reverse reaction at the same rate as they are formed; (radioactivity) the stage of a radioactive material at which the rate of disintegration and the rate of formation are equal
an equilibrating or being equilibrated
Physics.-.a force or combination of forces that can balance another force or forces

unvarying; steady; free from extremes; not easily disturbed; serene (an equable temper); steady

having the same quantity, measure, or value as another; identical to in value; having the same privileges, status, or rights (equal before the law); being the same for all members of a group (gave every player an equal chance to win); having the requisite qualities, such as strength or ability, for a task or situation; impartial; just; equitable; tranquil; equable; showing or having no variance in proportion, structure, or appearance
one that is equal to another (are men and women equals in physical strength?)
equal, equaled.or.equalled, equaling.or.equalling.transitive verbs
to be equal to, especially in value; to do, make, or produce something equal to (equaled the world record in the mile run)

to have equal power; equal in quantity, value, force, etc.
equivalence, equivalency.nouns

an event or date that marks the beginning of a new or important period in the history of something

eradicate.transitive verb
inflected form(s).eradicated; eradicating
to pull up by the roots; to do away with as completely as if by pulling up by the roots (programs to eradicate illiteracy) 
eradication, eradicator.nouns

The centimeter gram second unit of energy or work equal to the work done by a force of one dyne acting over a distance of one centimeter.

ergonomics, ergonomist.noun
the applied science of equipment design, as for the workplace, automobile, etc., intended to maximize productivity by reducing operator fatigue and discomfort; also called biotechnology, human engineering, human factors engineering; design factors, as for the workplace, intended to maximize productivity by minimizing operator fatigue and discomfort (the ergonomics of the new office were felt to be optimal; new cars are designed with ergonomic considerations in mind) 

erode, eroded, eroding, erodes.verbs
transitive use-to wear (something) away by or as if by abrasion (waves eroded the shore); to eat into; corrode (the battery's acid eroded the cable); to make or form by wearing away (the river eroded a deep valley); to cause to diminish, deteriorate, or disappear as if by eating into or wearing away

err, erred, erring, errs.intransitive verbs
to make an error or a mistake; to violate an accepted standard of conduct; stray

straying from the proper course or standards; roving, especially in search of adventure; wandering outside the established limits: errant lambs

having no fixed or regular course; wandering; lacking consistency, regularity, or uniformity; deviating from the customary course in conduct or opinion; eccentric

embarrass, embarrassed, embarrassing, embarrasses.transitive verbs
to involve in or hamper with financial difficulties; to hinder with obstacles or difficulties; impede; to complicate; to cause to feel self conscious or ill at ease; disconcert.(meeting adults embarrassed the shy child); to encumber, hamper, place obstacles in front of
embarrassedly, embarrassingly.adverbs
the act or an instance of embarrassing; the state of being embarrassed; a source or cause of being embarrassed

the act or an example of substituting a mild, indirect, or vague term for one considered harsh, blunt, or offensive (torture is still torture even if called rendition)

the physical phenomena arising from the behavior of electrons and protons that is caused by the attraction of particles with opposite charges and the repulsion of particles with the same charge; the physical science of such phenomena; electric current used or regarded as a source of power; intense, contagious.emotional excitement
attributive.often used to modify another noun (electricity bills; electricity equipment)

of, relating to, or operated by electricity.(electric current; an electrical appliance); emotionally exciting; thrilling (gave an electric reading of the play); exceptionally tense; highly charged with emotion
an electrically powered machine or vehicle (vehicles now run on electricity generated from magnets) 
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